Leaving a legacy will help to support the future of St George's, Queen Mary's and our local community hospitals.  

It's thanks to generous supporters of the past that we are able to continue our work supporting St George's today.

We receive gifts left in wills of all sorts of sizes and from all sorts of people.  They are the one of the best ways to ensure that our charity can continue to support the needs of our hospitals well into the future, enabling us to plan for and provide support where it is needed most.

We are so grateful to those people who have left legacies to the Hospital in the past - recently legacy funds have funded vital research and life saving equipment.

Having a Will not only ensures that your family, friends and loved ones will be taken care of, but it also provides an opportunity to make a difference to future generations by remembering the causes that are closest to your heart. Hospital environments and needs can change over time, so please consider leaving a gift with as broad a purpose as possible so that we can ensure it has the most impact.

If you don’t already have a will, it’s a lot more straightforward and affordable than you might think. You can write your will yourself, or you can find a solicitor or will writer in your area online. By having your will professionally written, you ensure everything is covered and arranged as you would like.

If you already have a will and would like to consider changing it to incorporate a gift to St George’s Hospital Charity, you can consider adding a codicil.

Write a codicil

If you do not want to write a new will then you can use a codicil. This is a document used to make changes to a will which has already been made. It is best to speak to a will-writing advisor if considering incorporating a codicil into your will.

If you would like to speak to someone about leaving a gift in your will to St George’s Hospital Charity then please do get in touch via email or call us on 020 8725 4522.

Letter of Intent for a legacy gift

As evidence of my/our desire to provide a legacy of support to St George's Hospital Charity, I/we hereby inform St George's Hospital Charity that I/we have made a provision for a gift to the Charity in my/our estate plans. I/We understand that this commitment is revocable and can be modified by me/us at any time.

Email and Confirm Email fields must match


I/we wish to inform St George's Hospital Charity for long-term planning purposes only, that as of this date, the value of my/our gift is:

(Please enter the amount above - if your gift is a percentage of your estate, please indicate the approximate present value of that percentage). I/we understand that, by stating an amount, my/our estate is not legally bound by this statement and I may choose to add, subtract, or revoke this bequest at any time, at my/our sole discretion.

It is our intention as a charity that your wishes be honoured. Please let us know to which area you would like to leave your legacy.

Celebrate a Life



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