Find out what to expect after you've applied for a grant

Once you've applied for a grant, the Grants Team will review your application.

This involves checking sufficient funds are available, ensuring the grant request meets the eligibility criteria and that all necessary endorsements have been secured.

We review Grant applications under £20,000 on a rolling basis throughout the year, so aim to get back to you with a decision within a few days. Sometimes we will need to ask you to secure further endorsements that haven't been received yet, or for clarification, before we can make a final decision. 

Grant applications over £20,000 will be submitted to the Grants Committee for consideration and approval. The Grants Committee meets 3 times a year. Any applications over £75,000 will be further submitted to the Board of Trustees for consideration and approval. The Board meets 4 times a year. You can find out about upcoming meeting dates here. We will stay in touch with you throughout the process to keep you informed on when you will hear our decision.

We will notify you of the OUTCOME

We will contact you by email to let you know if your application has been successful. We’ll do this as soon as we can after a decision has been made.

If your application is unsuccessful you will receive feedback on why your grant request was not awarded.


If your grant is under £5,000, you will receive an email confirming approval of the grant, a grant reference number, and the next steps to make your purchase(s).

If your grant is £5,000 or over, you will receive a Grant Award Letter and a Grant Agreement. They contain your key grant information including a grant reference number, a reporting and payment schedule, and the next steps to make your purchase(s). Once you have signed and returned your Grant Agreement, your grant will be live and you're ready to start your project.

you can now start your project and make your purchase(s)

You can now follow the instructions in your official paperwork to make your purchase(s).

  • If you are making your purchase(s) using SBS Oracle, you raise a requisition and place the order using your own cost centre. We send all grant award information to Trust Finance, who then know which orders to recharge to the charity. They will invoice us and reimburse your cost centre.
  • If you are doing a capital/estates project, or buying medical equipment, you will not raise a requisition yourself. We send the grant information to the relevant Trust tean who will manage these purchases themselves.
  • If we have approved that a supplier can invoice us directly, you can now ask them to invoice us. Make sure the invoice is made out to St George's Hospital Charity.

Impact and Evaluation Reporting

A fundamental part of the grant agreement is reporting back to us about how the project is going and letting us know the impact your project and our funding are having.

For small grants under £5,000 please complete a short evaluation form after you've completed your project or received your item. We'd love to know how the grant has made a difference, and please feel free to include quotes  & pictures that we can use to shout about your work! You can download the Small Grant Impact & Evaluation form here:

For larger grants over £5,000 and over, we will usually require project updates using our report form every six months. Please check your Grant Agreement for the specific terms. We will also require a final report once the grant has finished. Do remember to include any quotes or images – we love seeing what a difference the funding has made and can use this to feed back to donors and thank them for their generosity! You can down the Large Grant Impact & Evaluation form here: